A Message From One Of Our IASHEP Board Members - Mr. Sang Senior Training Manager at Bulwark Protection & Workrite Fire Service is a World Renowned speaker and expert on Flame-Resistant clothing. Derek has Developed and conducted over 250 educational and informational seminars in the US and Internationally. He is a requested speaker for many of the following associations ABB (ABU Dhabi) IBEW, BCSP, National Safety Council (NSC), VPPA, NECA, DUBIL (Dubai Aluminum) SPE Offshore, and many more
The International Association of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP) is proud to say that we are accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
IASHEP is an International Professional Association is self-accredited by following ISO/IEC1 17024:2012.
IASHEP Board of Director's Interview With CUTVNEWS Jim Masters is an award-winning TV & radio personality and a nationally recognizable an on-camera talent through his work with PBS. Ron's Podcast is Listened To Around The World.
Listen To Alex Rivera Board of Director's Interview With CUTVNEWS - You Will Learn More About IASHEP From Alex. This Podcast Is With Doug Llewelyn. Almost instantly recognized as the host of television's "classic" version of the hit courtroom series "The People's Court" with Judge Wapner.
We want to you know that the International Assoc. Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP) is like a private miniature community college that offers our professional members an EDUCATION in the field of safety, health, and environmental studies and offers our professional certifications to show the world that you are well qualified and certified to hold any position in the safety, health, or environmental field. While most Safety, Health, & Environmental professional associations offers you a test to receive your professional certification, IASHEP offers you an education, then based on your life's learning experiences, you may have to take a timed, proctored examination, then you must pass our examination at 80% to obtain ours.
WE ARE DIFFERENT! And Will Always Be.
Our Humble Beginning
As Martin Luther King once said," I Have A Dream." IASHEP knows that we are all from different communities, but in reality, our members are all one community, and our founding fathers and sisters also had a dream. Their dream was to be the very best SH&E professional association in the world. While other SH&E associations offer you a test to receive your professional certification, IASHEP offers you an education based on your life's learning experiences; you
Our founding fathers and sisters came from a humble beginning working as laborers in industry and working up from what is known as the factory, utility industry and construction field before there was ever an OSHA, college, or university offering a degree in the safety, health, or environmental field. They learned our trade in the safety, health, and environmental field by doing. It is still the best way to learn.
Meet Just Some of the Staff:
IASHEP founding fathers and sisters bring to you, our members, over 500 years of solid safety, health, environmental experience working at the corporate, mid-management, and management working levels of fortune 500 companies. They bring you real knowledge and experience and not just school knowledge.
Basically said, one of our founding members John F. (Jack) Podojil worked for The Boeing Company at the Corporate level as Corporate Manager of Safety Technical Support for the entire company and he started his career at Arizona OSHA and then federal OSHA when OSHA first started in 1974 and his compliance officer number is 60. This founding IASHEP member has fifty years of experience in the safety, health and environmental field. Mr. Podojil is a published author, owns his own successful safety, health, environmental consulting company www.podojilconsulting.com and has worked for companies like Long Beach Naval Shipyard (Code 106.1 Program Audit Manager) Allied Signal Aerospace, Lockheed Skunkworks / Advanced Development Center, and Boeing. Mr. Podojil is a Vietnam Veteran and served in a war zone and he is listed in Marquis Who's Who in America.
It is to be noted that individuals like Mr. Podojil become eligible for listing in Marquis Who's Who in America by virtue of their positions and/or noteworthy achievements that have proved to be of significant value to society. An individual's desire to be listed is not sufficient reason for inclusion. Similarly, wealth or social position are not criteria.
Ray Enama is another one of our IASHEP founding members. Ray served the utility industry for over fifty years and Ray is a published author. Ray is considered a subject matter expert in education, electrical safety, 70 E electrical safety, OSHA regulatory standards, National Electrical codes (NEC), high and low voltage electrical and many more subjects. Ray is also retired from the Marine Corps. serving both active duty in a war zone and reserve capacity.
Peggy Sue Podojil is a founding member of IASHEP and Vice President of IASHEP. Peggy has over 34 years of financial and banking experience reaching the level of Vice President of Chase bank. After retiring from Chase bank, Peggy worked at Alliance bank and Vantage West Credit Union.
Karen Schomburg is a founding member of IASHEP and Karen has a master's degree in education with over 40 years' experience as an educator and environmental, health and safety manager. Karen has been a Senior Environmental, Health & Safety Manager at The Boeing Company, worked for Arizona OSHA as a Safety Supervisor and she owns her own company Within U LLC. Karen is responsible for keeping IASHEP accredited with IACET and is Chairperson for IASHEP. To learn more about our accreditation visit the IACET website at www.iacet.org.
For information on our other IASHEP founding team members and IASHEP chairpersons members resumes and qualifications, please contact IASHEP at peggysuepodojil@gmail.com We are happy to match our skills with your needs.
Partnering With OSHA & State OSHA
IASHEP is willing and proud to partner with OSHA and State OSHA agencies because OSHA saves lives and IASHEP supports OSHA and State OSHA efforts. OSHA and State OSHA's only mission is to send the worker home to their families at the end of the workday.
This is IASHEP's goal as well, to educate our professional safety, health, and environmental professionals in outstanding and updated certified and accredited safety, health, and environmental educational programs so they can return to their worksites and develop programs to be able to send workers home to their families safely at the end of the day . That is why we are an "OHANA" type of professional association.
Your Educational Journey ---- It Is Not About the Money, It is All About You, Our Member of IASHEP.
IASHEP is the first professional association in the United States to offer our members these two prestigious professional certifications:
The IASHEP top professional credential is Certified Environmental Health Safety Professional (CEHSP). Normally, this professional credential would cost $5495.00 if a candidate were to take all the courses IASHEP required them to obtain before achieving our highest professional credential. However, IASHEP allows our members to keep their hard-earned money in their pockets to help feed their family and IASHEP allows them to transfer into IASHEP any life learning skills, college, or university studies and even OTIEC courses that meet the topics that we would be teaching in that course. IASHEP will not let you challenge that test, and you must pass the timed, proctored, open book, 250 question examination and pass this test with an 80% which is a (B) average. Currently, IASHEP offers our members this professional certification for $1295.00.
Certified Safety Health Environmental Technician (CSHET). This professional credential goes way beyond what any community college or an OSHA Training Institute Education Center (OTIEC) can present to their students. The IASHEP course of instruction in the CSHET course prepares our students to:
Develop and demonstrate a higher awareness of safety, health and environmental knowledge including the responsible exercise of individual judgment, civic responsibility, and honesty in dealing with safety, health, and environmental issues:
IASHEP will not let you challenge this test, and you must pass the timed, proctored, open book, 250 question examination and pass this test with an 80% which is a (B) average.
To earn any of our professional certifications, a member must have as a minimum technical knowledge in the principles of the occupational safety, health, and environmental field as well as a solid foundation in business and financial principles. Plus, the following:
A bachelor’s degree in occupational safety and health, safety studies, natural science, business or public administration, education, or related field AND four years of professional experience in occupational safety, health, environmental programs.
Note: A master’s degree in occupational safety and health, safety studies, natural science, business or public administration, education or allied field may be substituted for two years of the above professional work experience requirement.
OR - Equivalent education/experience. 5-7 years of General Industry, Construction Industry, Maritime, Oil & Gas, Refinery, Agricultural, Educational, Military Specialty or related field.
OR - Must possess a High School diploma or GED equivalency and a minimum of ten years’ experience in General Industry, Construction Industry, Maritime, Oil & Gas, Refinery, Agricultural, Educational, Military Specialty or related field.
IASHEP offers our members professional certifications in these two new advancing specialty fields (Certified Safety Health Compliance Officer (CSHCO™) and the Certified Construction Safety Health Compliance Officer(CCSHCO™) for $1295.00 each.
For the IASHEP $100.00 a year membership fee, IASHEP offers our members accredited continuing education and professional certification opportunities by offering our professional courses online, in the classroom, self-study or by virtual learning to become knowledgeable in a wide variety of subject in the safety, health, or environmental field.
Each year since IASHEP first opened our doors in 2014, IASHEP has given our members the opportunity to take selected professional and credentialed courses for free. IASHEP is a 501(c)3 non-profit. IASHEP does this because EDUCATION and KNOWLEDGE is valuable. It is never and will never be about the money with IASHEP. It will always be about the journey of educating our members to help reduce hazards on the job or shopping in stores or where their children or grandchildren go to school and even at home.
Our members can receive their professional certifications by taking our certificated continuing education courses and passing a timed and proctored open book examination. The candidate must pass with a minimum grade of 80%. IASHEP allows life learning skills to be applied to obtain our certifications.
Why spend your hard-earned money by taking our courses over and over again when you have taken them at an approved OSHA Training Institute Education Center (OTIEC). Unlike the many OSHA Training Institute Education Center (OTIEC) that place a time limit on advancing your career (usually five years), IASHEP looks at it a different way. IASHEP knows their courses really have not changed since the founders of IASHEP built the curriculum for them.
IASHEP constantly reviews these programs since most of them are based on OSHA standards and are not based on the most advanced standards like ANSI, NEC, NFPA or other national and international consensus standards. Rather than waste our money on trying to prove how valuable our certificated continuing educational programs are when we have set the bar by establishing three and half OSHA Training Institute Educational Centers and their curriculum where SH&E professionals still attend today, taking classes that use our older curriculum that we first built. We build ours better.
IASHEP allows our courses to be challenged. Since many colleges and universities allow their potential students to challenge their courses, IASHEP felt this is a great way to educate people so why not offer our members a chance to do the same instead of paying the full price of the course. Knowledge is knowledge. For more information on IASHEP course challenging please visit the certification portion of our website to learn more about these opportunities.
IASHEP is a not-for profit professional association which believes in giving part of our money to our two charities, Tunnel to Towers and St. Jude Research Hospital for Children.
We are accredited by IACET who is an independent third-party accreditor and who has validated our industry leading safety, health & environmental specialty programs and IACET has accredited our association to offer continuing educational credit (CEU's). IASHEP has met the gold standard in providing valuable education tools to our members. IASHEP completed the arduous task of achieving the IACET accreditation.
IACET ensured that IASHEP has a systematic approach to identifying and analyzing learning needs, the ANSI/IACET Standard helps CE/T providers:
The ANSI/IACET Standard also emphasizes the importance of continually reviewing and improving education and training to ensure the development of quality programs that meet consumer needs.
IASHEP is a non-governmental organization/non-profit safety, health, and environmental professional association. Consistent with national, international, and worldwide conformity assessment standards, IASHEP is a self-accrediting private company that follows the following standards when issuing our professional certifications:
IASHEP is not subject to any of the regulations legislated by the federal government. IASHEP remains consistent in its standards of accountability and transparency regardless of political administration.
The ANSI/ANAB Learning Experience
IASHEP has chosen not to seek further certifications from ANSI / ANAB in the United States since they are a private company and are self-accrediting. This means that they accredited themselves by reading the same documents that IASHEP purchased, read and implemented.
The difference is ANSI / ANAB or ISO / IEE 17024:2012 audits would cost IASHEP $15,000.00 to $25,000.00 for each accreditation audit organization, plus once again, they accredited themselves. The ANSI / ANAB or ISO / IEE 17024:2012 audits would cost IASHEP $15,000.00 to $25,000.00 on each accreditation audit organization plus per diem of $2500.00 per auditor daily to visit our location and review our records.
Also do no get fooled by seeing other organizations posting on their website that they are ANSI/ANAB certified when they have only one or two professional credentials accredited under ANSI/ANAB. The reason that they do not have more is because ANSI/ANAB charges these organizations more money for each credential that they offer to each person and they must pay that annually. Check here to see if you have certifications from other associations who say your professional credentials are accredited by ANSI /ANAB. https://anabpd.ansi.org/Accreditation/credentialing/personnel-certification/ALLdirectoryListing?menuID=2&prgID=201&statusID=4
We did not see that spending that much money and giving it to a private company who did not get accredited by anyone else would add value to our members when colleges such as Waldorf University and other major universities would take our courses as transfer credits towards their degree programs. For example:
Accredited & Audited
IASHEP has been accredited by IACET and is continually audited by the world's most recognized continuing education and certification body.
We believe in educating professionals so that they can protect the world’s most valuable resource, which is the worker and their family. This is why IASHEP says we are "OHANA". In Hawaiian “Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind.” IASHEP would rather help families that have children battling cancer, our United States Military (Army Navy, Air Force, Marines, Space Force, Coast Guard) Active Duty/Retired/Reserve or Veteran, including the National Guard, Police Officers, Firefighters, First Responders including EMT's, Law Enforcement Officers (LEO’s), Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) and Volunteers who lost their lives. Our charities provide families with a home to live in and medical care at no cost. Education is not having a little piece of paper from someone else saying your programs are great, when you finish our courses, and you show your employer that you have the knowledge that is enough.
Trust me when I say this, and you can quote me (John F. (Jack) Podojil) I have been in this field for going on now 50 years and this was just when certifications were just starting. Degrees do not make you smart, certification’s and passing a test certainly does not make you smart but having the knowledge in the topic and being able to demonstrate that knowledge certainly makes you smart. Also, if you do not have a penny in your pocket and you need help, I will be there for you and so will IASHEP if you are one of our members.
Developing Educational Programs To Educate Others:
Does IASHEP know how to build educational and certified programs? You bet we do!
John F. (Jack Podojil) one of our founding fathers built an accredited two-year safety health & environmental college degree program for South Seattle Community College, Seattle Washington. This degree program concentrated on teaching the students real subjects in the field of occupational safety, health and environmental subjects.
IASHEP would welcome partnering with community colleges and universities to offer extended studies. If you are a high school, trade school, community college, university or a military school and would like to form an alliance with us. Please contact John F. (Jack) Podojil CHCM, CMMM, CEHSP, CSHET, ASA, CUSA, CSHCO, CSHCO, at (520) 568-5565.
Ray Enema and John F. (Jack) Podojil built all the course curriculum, lesson plans, course syllabuses, final exams, course catalog information and had it approved by the following OSHA Training Institute Education Centers (OTIEC) universities at Cal-State Dominguez Hills, CA, College of Southern Nevada, Arizona State University, and many courses at the University of California San Diego UCSD OTIEC.
I think that we know how to build adult educational programs and certify people’s knowledge in the subject matter. IASHEP just doesn't issue tests to pass like the Board of Certified Safety Professionals or others that are also accredited by others and who have been in business making money since 1969. We would love to partner with them as well to offer our courses through extended studies. IASHEP delivers an education, then a timed, proctored, examination which you must pass the examination with an 80% or better to receive your professional credential. Naturally, we allow for life learning skills, course challenging opportunities just like the major colleges and universities do.
Next Question, Is IASHEP Accredited ?
Great Question? Yes, We Are. We are Accredited by The International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET).
Do we need to be accredited by others ? No, not as far as we are concerned . If you had the chance to spend your money on helping a child beat cancer or help a family live in a home since they lost the husband or wife or significant other in a war or at work defending your way of life or spend your money by paying for one or two more independent third party agencies to look at your professional programs and saying "Gee you meet our intent of our self-made standard guidelines", where would you spend your money? IASHEP decided to help others by giving our money to charity of trying to save the lives of little children with cancer (St Jude's Cancer Research Hospital) and helping others have a place to live especially after our nation was devastated after 9/11 and (Tunnels to Towers).
Will IASHEP ever bow down to other colleges and universities or others trying to force our association to be accredited by ANSI / ANAB or other third-party accreditors and spend our members money to do so, just so IASHEP can be listed on their website? No, we cannot and will not do this. Children dealing with cancer and families dealing with the loss of a loved one are more important to our members than ever being listed on some college or university website. We know that we already have the very best educational programs in the safety, health and environmental field and we will challenge them to match theirs against ours.
IASHEP is committed to ensuring that every child with cancer and other catastrophic diseases will have access to quality care and treatment no matter where in the world they live. And that every family that lost a loved one by helping America’s heroes by providing mortgage-free homes to Gold Star and fallen first responder families with young children and by building specially adapted smart homes for catastrophically injured veterans and first responders. We are also committed to eradicating veteran homelessness and helping America to Never Forget September 11, 2001.
Do not get fooled by someone saying that IASHEP is not accredited to award professional credentials because they are not ANSI / ANAB or ISO-17024 accredited. Once again, this only means that another certifying body looked over the other organizations documents and said they were doing training and issuing certifications according to their documents. We already did that by being ACCREDITED by ANSI / IACET.
These other certifying bodies like (ANSI / ANAB, ICAC, EHAC,NELAP, EAF, and the list goes on) who really do not certify anyone or grant them the right to award professional credentials, they only state that they inspected the associations offering the professional credential paperwork and in some cases a testing procedures and that they met their set of standards.
IACET made it harder for us to reach their accreditation standards because we also offer an education and not just a test like many of the other well-known SH&E professional associations who do not offer an education but only offer a short 200 -250 proctored examination which you only must pass with a 67% to obtain their professional certification. IASHEP testing 80%.
Difference Between Credentials & Certifications Credential
A credential is issued by a third party with authoritative power (IASHEP) and is proof of an individual's qualification or competence in each subject. Possessing a credential not only helps one to prove competency and capability in each field but also demonstrates to one's community and employers that the individual is competent, properly trained, and equipped to carry out his or her duties. To sit for a credential exam, an individual must possess certain requirements — a set level of education, experience, or a combination of both. Credentials serve as verification that a professional has achieved a baseline level of competency in his or her subject matter. With credentialed staff members, employers are assured of having a workforce of employees that are capable of handling whatever challenges their job responsibilities present.
Through IASHEP's credentialing program, IASHEP validates its members certifications based upon predetermined standards, an individual's knowledge, and qualifications for practice in safety, health, and environmental protection. An IASHEP credential serves to verify that an individual has achieved a baseline level of professional competence in safety, health, and environmental fields.
Our credentials are nationally recognized and validate an individual's specialized knowledge and experience in occupational safety, health, and environmental protection. Studying for and maintaining an IASHEP credential keeps one up to date on the latest developments in the environmental health field and demonstrates one's commitment to life-long learning. Credentials earned from us must be renewed every three years. The credential holder must also submit continuing education points every three years to renew their certifications. Failure to do so ends with the revocation of the certification.
o call oneself a licensed professional. Some states have a single license, and some have a tiered system, and the names of licenses, as well as requirements, vary from state to state. IASHEP does not issue a license.
Certification is a formal process that recognizes and validates an individual's qualifications in a certain subject. Certification is earned by an individual to assure he or she is qualified to perform a job or task through the acknowledgment of educational achievement. Certificates verify that a professional has achieved a baseline level of competence in a complicated subject area and assure employers that an individual is capable of handling the challenges his or her job responsibilities present. Certifications are earned from a professional society and must be renewed periodically, generally through completed continuing education units.
IASHEP is at the same level and accreditation level as the Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administrations, the United States Department of Labor, Directorate of Training and Education (DTE) (OSHA Training Institute) in Arlington Heights, Illinois (Pg. 56) IASHEP is accredited by IACET as well and once again you can find our accreditation on Page 26 of the IACET Accredited Provider List. THE OTIEC are not. IASHEP could have become an Authorized OSHA Training Institute Educational Center (OTIEC), but IASHEP decided that we did not want to be controlled by the federal government (OSHA) in the way we instruct our professionals or offer our professional credentials.
IACET, the International Association for Continuing Education and Training, is a nonprofit organization that develops and publishes the revised ANSI/IACET 1-2018 Standard for Continuing Education and Training. Headquartered near Washington, D.C., United States, the IACET standard is the core of thousands of educational programs worldwide and the caretaker of the internationally used Continuing Education Units (CEUs), serving to assure the validity of educational courses.
Our new accreditation audit will be in 2025. IASHEP will be audited to the new more rigid IACET 2023 accreditation standards and certification for continuing education and certification. The ANSI /ANAB will remain a 2012 standard which follows ISO -17024: 2012 https://anab.ansi.org/standard/isoiec170
To Ensure Excellence in Education Studies and Certifications
IASHEP: We are an IACET Authorized Provider of Continuing Educational Credit. IASHEP also believes we are in good company with others who also chose to share IACET Accreditation.
Waldorf University
IASHEP is honored to say that we are a Learning Partner with Waldorf University (Mr. Jeff Butcher at 1.877.267.2157) should be contacted if you are a member of IASHEP to have "Jeff" provide you guidance on how to enroll in Waldorf University degree programs and receive the IASHEP 15% tuition discount, waived application fees, and textbooks at no cost. Scholarship opportunities are also available for those who would like to attend classes either online or in person on our campus in Forest City, Iowa and you can speak with Mr. Jeff Butcher to see what IASHEP courses will transfer over to them .
Yes, as a member of IASHEP - All family members of employees and/or members are also eligible to take advantage of these benefits.
Waldorf University offers six scholarships per year (60 credit hours towards any degree) to our Learning Partner employees/members who wish to attend online. For those who wish to attend on campus, each Learning Partner employee/member, spouse, or dependent child will receive an annual $15,000 scholarship towards tuition.
Other Important Agencies & Professional Associations who also have been accredited by IACET include but are not limited to:
American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) (Pg.48)
Associated General Contractors of America - AGC (Pg. 48)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
Army Management Staff College (AMSC) (Pg. 5)
Center for Domestic Preparedness, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (Pg. 9)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Pg. 9)
United States Department of Veterans Affairs (Pg. 15)
Center For Domestic Preparedness (CDP)-Curriculum Development & Evaluation (Department of Homeland Security) (Pg. 9)
Building & Fire Code Academy (BFCA) (Pg, 8)
Center for Biologics Evaluation, Research & Training - FDA (Pg. 20)
360 Training (Pg. 1)
Clark Atlanta University (Pg. 12)
Civil Defense Academy United Emirates (Pg. 12)
College of Engineers and Land Surveyors of Puerto Rico (Pg. 13)
Disney Institute (Pg. 15)
Fluor University (Pg. 21)
Gravitech Systems Inc. (Pg. 22)
Contractor University (Pg. 24.)
The International Code Council (ICC] is a member-focused association with over 64,000 members (Pg. 26)
International Institute for the Brain's - IBRAIN (Pg. 26)
Jubail Industrial College - Saudi Arabia (Pg. 28)
National Association of Safety Professionals (NASP) (Pg. 33)
National Fire Protection Association - NFPA (Pg. 34)
National Highway Institute - Federal Highway Administration (Pg. 34.)
Nightingale College (Pg. 35)
Safety Unlimited, Inc. (pg. 43)
American University in Cairo (Pg. 44)
Skanska (Pg. 45)
Southern New Hampshire University - SNMU (Pg. 45)
National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors (Pg. 50) Tulane University, Center for Continuing Education (Pg. 52)
U.S. Army School For Command Preparation (SCP) (Pg. 52)
We couldn't do what we do without the support of the individuals and corporations that believe in our vision and mission to advance the safety, health, and environmental field. IASHEP looks forward to you joining our OHANA family for your next learning and certification experience.
If you or your company would like to be a sponsor of our programs and help our chosen charities, please contact Mrs. Peggy Podojil at peggysuepodojil@gmail.com or peggysuepodojil@iashep.org.
What's a product or service you'd like to show.
“The world’s future rests with technical education instructors educating the future craftspeople and professionals of tomorrow.” Jack Podojil
Over forty years after OSHA was founded we have employees who do not understand the basics of safety. IASHEP was founded to provide the workforce with the knowledge to WORK SAFE. Every day the news has a story about a worker injured or killed on the job. We see workplace safety as our responsibility.
By offering courses to management, supervisors, and employees, we strive to improve the safety of the work environment. From onsite instruction, safety, health and environmental audits, to creating courses that are current and relevant; IASHEP is committed to sharing knowledge. Knowledge is power and our students will be empowered.
The IASHEP experience does not end at the conclusion of a course. Our instructors are available to support our students by email or phone and can provide resources to them. Our goal is that IASHEP’s students have the ability to research and utilize the classroom instruction and translate resources to the workplace.
IASHEP MARKETS KNOWLEDGE - The International Assoc. of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP) is dedicated to developing curriculum and instructing our students by teaching them the most up to date and technically advanced standards and information in the safety, health, and environmental field. It is our goal to be respected nationally for the quality of safety, health, and environmental professionals that we educate.
Our signature programs and our offering of recognized professional credentials will have a national and international reputation for providing educational courses that will enable our students to develop effective safety, health and environmental risk management programs providing guidance to management and workers.
Our ultimate goal is to help reduce the tragic loss of life and reduce accidents in the workplace.
Construction is a high hazard industry that comprises a wide range of activities involving construction, alteration, and/or repair. Construction workers engage in many activities that may expose them to serious hazards, such as falling from rooftops, unguarded machinery, being struck by heavy construction equipment, electrocutions, silica dust, and asbestos.
The information, tools, and resources provided in these Construction Industry web pages are designed to assist those in the industry - whether worker or employer - to identify, reduce, and eliminate construction-related hazards
Manufacturing is the process of transforming materials or components into finished products that can be sold in the marketplace. Every physical product that you buy in a store or online is manufactured somewhere. The manufacturing industry is one of the largest sectors of the U.S. economy, employing more than 12 million workers.
Today, technology is causing the country’s economy to move towards offering services as opposed to producing goods. However, it is becoming clear to economists that a healthy manufacturing industry is one of the hallmark indicators of a healthy, thriving economy. And manufacturing intermingles with nearly every area of the economy.
The U.S. mining industry consists of the search for, extraction, beneficiation, and processing of naturally occurring solid minerals from the earth.
These mined minerals include coal, metals such as iron, copper, or zinc, and industrial minerals such as potash, limestone, and other crushed rocks. Oil and natural gas extraction (NAICS code 211) is not included in this industry.
Metals and other minerals are an essential source of raw materials for the U.S. building and chemical industries and are also a critical part of the production of everyday electronics and consumer products.
For example, over 65 different minerals are required to produce a modern computer. Furthermore, coal accounts for nearly 50% of electric power generated in the United States.
According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), "the environmental industry consists of activities which produce goods and services to measure, prevent, limit and minimize or correct environmental damage to water, air and soil, as well as problems related to waste, noise, and eco-systems training.
Considered being the biggest sector in the world in terms of dollar value, the oil and gas sector is a global powerhouse using hundreds of thousands of workers worldwide and generating hundreds of billions of dollars globally each year. In regions which house the major NOCs, these oil and gas companies are so vital they often contribute a significant amount towards national GDP.
The healthcare industry (also called the medical industry or health economy) is an aggregation and integration of sectors within the economic system that provides goods and services to treat patients with curative, preventive, rehabilitative, and palliative care.
Any organization can host a learning event. But it takes true commitment to become an accredited provider of IACET Continuing Education Units (CEU).
The International Association of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP has provided that "True Commitment"
The IACET Accredited Provider (AP) status tells the world:
Pros for obtaining a professional safety, health and / or environmental certification may include an increased salary and higher self-esteem for the individual; demonstrated knowledge.
Benefits of Certification
Outside of the hiring process, safety, health and environmental certifications for employees provide companies with consistency in training and work practices, increased confidence from customers, staff adherence to ethical standards, differentiation in marketing, and a standard for projects, promotions, salary increases and career road maps. Like an individual, the more certifications a company possesses, the better it looks on paper.
Why Should You Become An IASHEP Certified Professional? Here Are Just A Few Of The Reasons:
Potentially leads to performance awards and promotions
Increases your marketability and career opportunities
Provides focus for professional development
Confirms and validates professional skills to others in your field and to your employer and the public
Enhances networking opportunities with other IASHEP members
Conveys privileges such as using IASHEP Professional Credentials on letterhead
Affirms commitment to IASHEP code of ethics
Allows user to perform professional services and seal work products
Gives a personal sense of achievement
Professional credentials may transfer to leading colleges and universities.
To Employers
Enhances confidence in the knowledge, skills and accomplishments of your professional employees
Increases your ability to bill professional and certified employees out at higher rates
Strengthens your technical proposals to customers
Demonstrates the depth of technical skills available to prospective customers and to the public
Reduces professional liability insurance costs.
To Clients and Customers
Assures confidence in the professional's services addressing a broad array of safety, health and environmental planning, analysis, education and documentation
Provides an assurance of engaging competent safety, health and environmental professionals
A professional credential provides a stronger defense in case of lawsuits
Serves as a source for qualified, practicing safety, health and environmental professionals.
The Future: The need for safety, health and environmental professionals to demonstrate our credentials is growing throughout the country and abroad. Many of the current college and university and other credential programs do not adequately cover the fields that many of us work in today.
With IASHEP, all of our certified courses and professional credentials allow our members to hit the ground running by learning real life skills for the various work environments in which they will be working.
For more information call (520) 568-5565
If you are working to obtain a college degree many of our courses will transfer to leading colleges and universities,
We love our customers, so feel free to contact us during normal business hours.
Mon | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Tue | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Wed | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Thu | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Fri | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Sat | Closed | |
Sun | Closed |
Where are training programs offered by the International Assoc. of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP)?
All International Assoc. of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP programs and courses are available to be conducted worldwide, with the exception of those countries subject to sanction or embargo by the U.S. Government.
For additional information regarding countries subject to sanction or embargo, please visit the U.S. Department of the Treasury's The Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC") of the US Department of the Treasury administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions based on US foreign policy and national security goals against targeted foreign countries and regimes, terrorists, international narcotics traffickers, those engaged in activities related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and other threats to the national security, foreign policy or economy of the United States.
Please follow this link to find more information about this topic.
COVID-19 has turned into a global crisis, evolving at unprecedented speed and scale. It is creating a universal imperative for governments and organizations to take immediate action to protect their people. It is now the biggest global event—and challenge—of our lifetimes. As such, it is changing human attitudes and behaviors today and forcing organizations to respond. However, the need to respond won’t end when the virus’s immediate threat eventually recedes.
The health and safety of our clients, members, associates and friends of the International Assoc. of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP) are on the top of our minds amid concerns about the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The uncertainty around the pandemic has many people with immune system challenges concerned about exposure to the virus. IASHEP is committed to ensuring everyone’s safety and health by making it easy and accessible for our community to get their professional education and questions answered and ensuring your professional documents are in place. We strive to meet CDC guidelines and have taken the following precautionary steps and we assure you that our procedures are in place to continue to operate safely and effectively during this time:
If IASHEP is conducting an educational session at your worksite location, whatever precautions your team may be taking in response to COVID-19, IASHEP is ready to help. Depending on the regulations in your state or country, we are able to train in your classroom locations, various conference centers, our learning partners classrooms or use our online learning management system or broadcast a live class to your computer. All of these solutions are available to our global clients.
Moving forward, IASHEP's priority is to ensure that IASHEP continues to be in the best position to provide the professional safety, health & environmental training and certification you need. Our action plan follows 3 guiding principles:
1. Keep our promise to you, our customers, and keep our team of employees and expert contractors safe
2. Continue to serve CHC Training customers with the highest standards
3. Do our part to slow the community spread of the virus
Following guidance from the CDC and World Health Organization, we are implementing or reiterating policies to limit the spread of the virus and ensure business continuity, including:
Enhanced hygiene protocols and deep cleanings of training facility classrooms, bathrooms, and common areasFlexible work shifts to encourage a healthy workplaceThe use of masks while in common areas of the workplace and training centerTraining tables will be limited to 1 student to aid in creating a minimum 6' social barrier. Class sizes will also be limited
We are confident that as the national and international picture changes, these initiatives will ensure that our capacity remains ahead of continuing certification and training demand. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly (johnpodojil@iashep.org) or anyone on the IASHEP team if you have any questions. Our teams email addresses are located on the contact us portion of this website.
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