Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Waldorf University
IASHEP is honored to say that we are a Learning Partner with Waldorf University (Mr. Jeff Butcher at 1.877.267.2157) should be contacted if you are a member of IASHEP to have "Jeff" provide you guidance on how to enroll in Waldorf University degree programs and receive the IASHEP 15% tuition discount, waived application fees, and textbooks at no cost. Scholarship opportunities are also available for those who would like to attend classes either online or in person on our campus in Forest City, Iowa and you can speak with Mr. Jeff Butcher to see what IASHEP courses will transfer over to them .
Yes, as a member of IASHEP - All family members of employees and/or members are also eligible to take advantage of these benefits.
Waldorf University offers six scholarships per year (60 credit hours towards any degree) to our Learning Partner employees/members who wish to attend online. For those who wish to attend on campus, each Learning Partner employee/member, spouse, or dependent child will receive an annual $15,000 scholarship towards tuition.
This Policy prohibits unauthorized use of designations, certifications, or marks issued by the International Assoc. of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP).
Scope: IASHEP has the authority and obligation to make public the names of individuals who IASHEP authorizes to use the credentials titles it awards. The names posted below are a result of an IASHEP member not following the IASHEP Code of Conduct, failure to maintain their professional credentials, failure to maintain their IASHEP membership, committing a violation of the laws or other administrative infractions. The IASHEP Code of Conduct can be found on the first page of the IASHEP website.
For a complete copy of Unauthorized Use of Credentials and Other IASHEP Protected Materials Policy please contact John F. Podojil Chief Executive Officer at
IASHEP publishes these names which is publicly available on the IASHEP website.
Past IASHEP Board Members or IASHEP Members
Virginia Toalepai, Las Vegas Nevada - World Wide Safety
Mr. Samuel Wilson -Tobago, South America Region
Clemente Diaz - Los Angeles, California
Carl Hamiton - Phoenix, Arizona
1. Who owns the International Assoc. of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP)?
Answer: IASHEP is a certified 501 c )( 3) nonprofit organization. IASHEP is not “owned” by the people who start it, nor their successors in leadership. These individuals operate in a position of trust and accountability for the public at large, who, via government, allow nonprofits to operate exempt from the taxes that for-profit businesses must pay.
When nonprofit managers and consultants talk about “ownership” of a nonprofit organization, they’re using the word metaphorically to make the point that board members, staff, clients, and the community have a stake in the organization’s future success and its ability to provide needed programs.
2. Is the the International Assoc. of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP) an S or C corporation?
Answer: The International Assoc. of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP) a nonprofit corporation and is not a C corporation. Nonprofit corporations are regulated under Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. Unlike C corporations, the purpose of nonprofit corporations is not to make profits for the owners.
3. Can I receive academic credit for my IASHEP course?
Answer: IASHEP courses will be evaluated by Columbia Southern University for possible transfer credit into an undergraduate degree program in Occupational Safety and Health or Environmental Management. Once you submit an application, they will provide you with a Degree Action Plan that will specify the hours of transfer credit awarded.
Once you submit an application, CSU will provide you with a Degree Action Plan that will specify the hours of transfer credit awarded. This evaluation is complimentary, and CSU will waive the application fee! To obtain academic credits through CSU, a student must first complete the IASHEP course, pass the test, then submit their IASHEP course certificate to CSU for evaluation. For more information on the various OHS degrees offered by CSU, click here, or send an email to
Also, as an IASHEP member, you are eligible for a 10% reduction in tuition fees, free textbooks, and other significant savings.
3 (a) Do all IASHEP courses transfer to Columbia Southern University?
Answer: No the IASHEP free courses do not transfer since IASHEP does not offer a course completion certificate when an IASHEP member signs up and takes a free course.
4. Is your organization approved by any third-party accreditation party?
Answer: Yes, the International Assoc. of Safety Health Environmental Professionals has met the stringent third-party auditing process of the International Association of Continuing Education & Training (IACET).
5. Who recognizes IACET Accreditation?
Answer: The following is an example of companies, regulatory boards and organizations that have been reported to accept the IACET CEU credit. This list is not exhaustive, nor does it guarantee that an IACET CEU will automatically be accepted. CEUs may be subject to additional review by that specific company, board, or organization. IACET does not regularly monitor changes in organizations or regulatory boards' requirements for acceptance of IACET CEUs
6 Does IASHEP still have "Authorized Learning Centers"?
Answer: Yes, to become an "IASHEP Authorized Learning Center" a person or company must be a member in good standing and pay an annual fee or bring in 25 new members each year. The "IASHEP Authorized Learning Center" will be authorized to present IASHEP "Advanced, Specialist, & Technician" Professional Credential Courses.
IASHEP Authorized Learning Centers will be required to pay a small administration fee for the use of these materials. IASHEP in turn, will furnish the course training materials that can be used online, provide one (1) copy of the students handout that can be reproduced, provide student sign-in sheet, provide student evaluation sheet, provide copy of the test that will be taken by the student at the end of the course and will be required to be sent back to IASHEP to be graded. IASHEP will furnish to the IASHEP Authorized Learning Center the professional credentials that can be sent out to their students once the final examinations are graded.
7. How long is my membership good for?
Answer: IASHEP memberships are good for one year and like any other professional organization the member must renew their membership annually to keep their professional credential in good standing.
8. Do I have to Recertify my IASHEP Professional Credential?
Answer: Yes, IASHEP re-certification cycle which is three (3) years, begins on the date that you receive your certificate and expires threes years later. For those just achieving certification, your first recertification cycle is longer than three (3) full years following the start of your cycle. It begins the day you become certified and ends on your certification date. You are responsible to track your own recertification points and dates. Certified members can fill out a Recertification Worksheet for their first cycle (over 3 years) and can claim points from all activities during that cycle, but must abide by the maximum points allowed in each category.
The IASHEP recertification handbook will be posted on the IASHEP website under the section titled forms.
9. How much are my IASHEP annual membership dues?
Answer: IASHEP Membership dues are $100.00 per year. As the title says, your IASHEP annual dues are due on January 1 of each year. Failure to renew your IASHEP membership will automatically cancel out your professional credentials since all certified IASHEP members must be in "Good Standing" with the Association to maintain their professional credentials.
10. Is the International Assoc. of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP) training reimbursed for military and veterans?
Answer: Active-duty military may apply to their service-specific COOL (Credentialing Opportunities On-Line) program for credentialing and certifications. Please contact your "COOL" representative and for First Responders, please contact your employer to see if they will pay for your course or for taking an IASHEP professional examination.
11. What is required to be an IASHEP Certified Instructor for my company?
Answer: To help ensure you will be successful and considered acceptable by the International Assoc. of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP) as an "IASHEP Certified Instructor", you or if you are going to be teaching IASHEP courses for your employer, the following requirements must completed, as a minimum:
· The trainer should have the necessary experience in the topic being trained as determined by the International Assoc. of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP) or their employer.
· The trainer should complete the International Assoc. of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP) "Train-the-Trainer" course and training in the topics being presented.
· The trainer should demonstrate the ability to present training in a manner and language that is understood by employees.
· The trainer is required to show that they have the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) evaluated by the International Assoc. of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP) evaluator or an employer-appointed qualified person.
· The trainer must demonstrate, though evaluation by the International Assoc. of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP) auditor or by their employer, that employees being trained have gained the required KSAs to work in a safe and healthful manner.
· The International Assoc. of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP) auditor will ensure that the employer should appoint and certify in writing that the trainer has met their requirements as a qualified safety trainer.
12. Which web browsers are compatible with IASHEP online training?
Answer: IASHEP online courses are well suited for the following internet browsers: Google Chrome, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox and others. Please let us know if you experience compatibility issues with other internet browsers.
13. How much time am I allotted to take and finish an IASHEP certified online course?
Answer: Effective January 1, 2021 the student will be given sixty (60) calendar days to start and complete the online portion of the course.
13 A. Online Training Course Extension
Each IASHEP online course initially comes with a 2 month (60 day) expiration. If you have not completed your online class within the 2 months (60 day) allowed, you may purchase a one-time extension granting you 2 additional months to complete your online course.
Your Online courses automatically close 2 months (12 AM EST) from the date of purchase or failing any IASHEP exam more than 3 times. You may purchase a 1 time only, 2 month (60 day) extension for $100 if within 2 months of your original expiration date.
Payment is required prior to re-starting your online session. Upon receipt of payment, IASHEP will email you an Online Training Confirmation which includes a username, password and instructions on how to proceed with your online course.
Each course extension must be purchased separately and is good for ONE course only. If you are enrolled in multiple online courses that require an extension, you must purchase a separate extension for each online course.
14 Are the International Assoc. of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP) professional certification examinations timed?
Answer: Yes, Depending on the professional certification, the test can be anywhere from 100 to 250 questions. All test are open book testing but the course materials can not be high-lighted or marked in anyway. If the proctor observes that your course materials are is marked, the proctor will provide you with and unmarked book.
15. When will I receive my IASHEP professional certification?
Answer: Please allow 5-10 business days in order for us to review your score and issue your certification. For our international students, some delays through the US Postal Service can be expected. Occasionally, customs will open packages for security reasons and then not send packages to their final destination. To avoid this, student can request expedited service through United Parcel Service (UPS) for an additional charge.
16. What is an accredited IACET provider?
Answer: IACET provides accreditation for entities offering adult continuing education and training (CE/T).
Professional Training
17. How much do IASHEP training classes cost?
Answer: Each IASHEP professional training course cost varies depending on professional subject, trainer requirement qualifications, materials used in the training, length of training, location, number of employees, and other variables. Please contact IASHEP for a quote.
18 Is weekend and holiday training available?
Answer: Weekend and holiday training is available based on scheduling availability and additional charges may apply.
19. My company has employees spread out all over the United States and around the world. What are my options for training?
Answer: IASHEP will work with your organization by providing several options for training to your various locations world-wide including traveling to your teams on-site location , presenting webinars, designing recorded training, or whatever fits your needs.
20. What is the maximum number of students for IASHEP professional training classes?
Answer: This is topic-specific. For instance, ASHI only allows 10 students per instructor so additional instructors may be needed. The maximum number of students allowed by OSHA for the OSHA 10 and 30-hour classes is 40. Some classes such as Rigging and Signaling, flagger, etc. that require skill demonstration are typically limited to 15 - 20 students per instructor depending on prior knowledge of the topic. Additional instructors are available for larger classes.
21. Can IASHEP instructors teach the OSHA 10 and 30 hour courses?
Answer: Yes, IASHEP has a team of instructors that are considered OSHA Outreach Authorized Trainers and who can teach the OSHA (10 & 30 Hour) classes. Our IASHEP authorized outreach trainers teach these classes. Please note, OSHA does not endorse training providers in any way.
OSHA also states on their website the following:" The Outreach Training Program is a voluntary program. Its purpose is to promote workplace safety and health and to make workers more knowledgeable about workplace hazards and their rights. Outreach training does not fulfill the training requirements found in OSHA standards".
IASHEP takes the OSHA 10 & 30 hour training programs one step farther, IASHEP has its own version of the 10 & 30 hour training course and IASHEP is not bound by OSHA outreach training mandates. Our team of IASHEP certified professional instructors can provide your company with the IASHEP 10 & 30 hour training courses that are custom tailored to your company and your issues. Our International Assoc. of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP) 10 & 30 hour courses can be taught world-wide while OSHA 10 & 30 hour courses can not.
22. How many topics can you cover in one awareness training?
Answer: Our instructors can cover any number of topics as long as they fit into one 8-hour session. However, we will ensure that adequate time is provided to teach each topic and will not compromise quality in order to fit too much into one day.
23. Does the International Assoc. of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP) offer "Certificate of Completion Courses?"
Answer: Yes, IASHEP has "Certificate of Completion Courses" that are of a shorter duration and IASHEP still offers IACET third party accredited "Continuing Education Units" for these shorter courses as well. IASHEP recognizes that not every employer nor every student is looking for a professional credential so IASHEP wants to become your one-stop learning environment. Check out our online courses is out course section of our IASHEP website.
It is important to note that IASHEP also offers online "Technical Education Courses " in other fields of education. IASHEP is proud to offer this type of education and IASHEP believes that if a person learns a "Life Learning Skill" they can and will be employed forever.
24. Do IASHEP Certification courses meet or exceed OSHA requirements for workplace safety?
Answer: Yes. All of our courses meet or exceed OSHA requirements. OSHA is considered the ‘bare minimum’ for compliance and therefore considers this only one element of an effective safety training program. All of our courses, both instructor led and online, have been designed to meet or exceed ANSI/ASSP Z490.1-2016 requirements for Safety, Health, and Environmental Training.
25. How many hours is .3 CEU?
Answer: Total contact hours must then be divided by 10 to obtain the number of CEUs. CEUs must be expressed in tenths of a CEU; that is; 17 contact hours equate to 1.7 CEU; a three contact hour program equates to . 3 CEU.
26. Do I have to take a course to receive one of your professional credentials?
Answer: No, IASHEP allows its members to challenge a professional course. The fee for doing this this The fees for course challenging is $895.00 for an IASHEP Advanced Certified Level course, $595.00 for an IASHEP Certified Specialist course and $295.00 for a IASHEP Technician Level course. You are required to take and pass a four (4) hour timed and proctored examination. Depending on the professional certification, the test can be anywhere from 100 to 250 questions. All test are open book testing but not be high-lighted or marked in anyway. If the proctor observes that your course book is marked, the proctor will provide you with and unmarked book.
It does help to take one of our professional development courses before sitting for the examination. You are allowed three attempts to pass the test with a 80%. Should you not pass the examination after your third try, then you would be required to sit for the International Assoc. of Safety Health Environmental Professionals (IASHEP) course whether it be an "Advanced, Specialist or Technician" level course or pay the examination fees once again.
27. If I take a course from IASHEP online do I receive any instructor support?
Answer: Yes - Instructor Access In addition to this, the student will also have access to a course instructor via email. Any question a student has about the material covered throughout the course can be emailed directly to questions at and an instructor response is guaranteed within 24 hours.
The names of the following individuals have either failed to renew their annual membership or have failed to recertifiy their professional credentials. According to the IASHEP By-Laws, it is a requirments that we post their names for a minimum of five (5) years.
Mr. Samual Wislson (CEHSP, CSHET)
Mr. Carl Hamilton (CSHEP, CSHET, IASHEP-CI)
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